Now on to the latest health news. Roger and I went to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio yesterday for his semiannual MRI and visit with his radiation/oncologist. We knew it would be the same as usual but it was even better. It looks like the scar tissue/junk that is still in Roger's brain where the tumor was removed has gotten smaller by 1 millimeter. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it is! We never thought it would go away or get smaller so fast. Roger had his craniotomy in March 2006 and his radiation ended at the end of the summer that year. So it's been three years and we are already seeing a decrease. Awesome!! The edema (aka fluid accumulation) hasn't changed much but like I said, we know it will take years and years. So to have the scar tissue area decrease in size is another great blessing. And three years cancer free! I think we are on cloud nine! We can't help but praise the Lord for yet again taking care of us.
And last but not least, Roger has decided to get serious again about his physical recovery from the paralysis he experienced after the craniotomy. He was rear ended in my vehicle a month or so ago and it aggravated his hip which is still not strong. So not only did he get a referral for physical therapy for that, but we also bit the bullet and purchased a Wii and a Wii fit. We started the EA Active 30 day challenge this week. And it's great. It's a really good workout for Roger and will help him to build his strength back up in his right hip and leg muscles. Which means we will soon be able to go for long walks and rides on our bikes. I can't wait to get back on the trails on our mountain bikes together. I will continue to do my regular morning workouts and workout with Roger in the evenings so we can do it together. Although the Wii EA Active workouts are good, they are kind of like a warm up for me so I'm not going to stop my other workouts. I recently went up to 2300 meters twice a week in the pool and have added weight resistance twice a week to my workouts. But the Wii is so much fun too. I can totally see Wii bowling party nights at our house in the future. Watch for your invitation!
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