I got a lot later start on the nursery than I wanted and we
didn't get very far by the time I was put on bed rest. We got the crib and
book shelf assembled the weekend before. And we got the dresser assembled the day
before I went to the hospital. Other than a friend getting the upholstered
rocker glider into the room for us a couple days later, we didn't get anything
else done. Once I got home I asked my mom if she could come sew all the items I
had planned to sew myself. But then my dad was scheduled for bypass surgery in
a few weeks and only had two weekends available before his surgery. I didn't
think my mom was going to be able to come before because they were going to
have many things to do around the farm to get ready before my dad had surgery.
And I knew his recovery was going to take many, many weeks so I didn't think
she would be able to come after his surgery for a long, long time. I thought
about my options and really only had two. Pay someone to make everything I had
planned to make myself since I had already bought all my fabric and materials.
Or buy store bought, un-customized, mass produced items which was not my top
choice. Then my mom informed me and my siblings my dad had canceled his surgery
and she was coming that weekend. I wasn't sure how much we could get done with
me on bed rest not able to help and trying to explain to my mom what I wanted
as most of the sewing I had planned had no patterns and were basically in my
head. Plus my mom and I have different sewing styles so I was also a little
worried about that. One thing about being on bed rest is you have to give up a
lot of control which if you know me well is not easy to do.
Welcome to our Blog :: This is the place to find out about our progress on the treatment of Roger's brain tumor and our adventures in parenting in the midst of cancer treatment ::
Apr 30, 2012
Nursery Progress
Posted by
4/30/2012 05:51:00 PM
Apr 28, 2012
Hospital Bed Rest
Posted by
4/28/2012 01:03:00 PM
While I was at the hospital Roger had me set up with my
phone and his laptop so I was well connected. My mom and I emailed many times a
day. One day she asked me if I can get up and walk around at all and what I do
all day at the hospital. Here was my response back to her.
"Nothing except get up to go to the bathroom &
take a shower 2-3 times per week. I have the laptop. My friend Amber gave me a
gift subscription to Netflix so I can watch movies & TV show series on the
laptop. I could do it on my phone also but that's too small. Here's my typical
I get up every morning at 7am. I can't sleep any later in
here. It’s hard to sleep here. Then I go to the bathroom & wash my face
real quick while I’m in there. When I walk back I open the blinds to the window.
Then I get back in bed to call in breakfast, brush my teeth, put on my
moisturizer, etc. I watch the local news while I’m eating breakfast. When they
start repeating news I turn it off. When I finish eating I call the nurse and
they bring me my meds, stool softener and multi-vitamins. Then they flush my
saline block which is the IV in my hand, but I'm not connected to a drip… it
always stings. Then they hook me up to the fetal monitor and I have to be on
that for at least 20 minutes unless the baby is not cooperating and I have to
stay on longer. Every time since I’ve been here this visit she doesn't
cooperate and I’ve had to stay on an hour. And when I start that I also put on
the leg compressors and keep those on for 4 hours to prevent blood clots.
After I get off the monitor, I usually check my email for work and home, which
sometimes distracts me for a while as I go back and forth with people about
stuff. In between I check Facebook and I get lots of texts from people asking
me how I’m doing or asking/telling me stuff. I read a chapter or two out of a
book of mine. My OB or MFM (maternal fetal medicine dr) come in at any time of
the day to check on me. They ask me lots of questions. I ask them questions. We
talk for a while. Then they leave and go put everything in the computer that's
right outside my room. The nurses come in at different times of the day to
check on me. Then all of a sudden it's 11-12 so I order lunch. It takes about
30-40 minutes for meals to arrive. It’s delivered to me in bed. I have to wait
for someone to move the empty tray for me. Usually in the afternoon someone
comes to visit me. If my tray is still here I ask them to move it for me and if
I need anything done I’ll ask them to do it for me. While I have visitors I don't
check my phone or email or Facebook or texts or anything. I turn on my side and
have them sit in a chair next to the bed so I can give my back a rest from
sitting up all morning. When they leave, I check everything again, email for
work and personal, texts & calls I missed while I had a visitor, Facebook,
sometimes I play a game on my phone or laptop. Sometimes I watch a movie. Then
about 4pm I lay back and rest my eyes and turn to the other side to rest my
back again. Sometimes I fall asleep, sometimes I don't. About 5pm I put on the
leg compressors again. If I haven't fallen sleep I get bored so I call in for
dinner so I eat and am done when Roger gets here. He gets off work at 5pm now
but does stuff at home when he gets off so he doesn't hit too much traffic
coming up. While I eat I’ll watch HGTV to pass the time. When he gets here I turn
off the TV and he either eats dinner here if he brings something or he'll eat
at home before he comes up and we'll just talk about the day, what the OB's
said, what happened if I had an ultrasound, etc. He does stuff for me like
helps me take a shower if I need one, brings me stuff I remembered needing and
puts it where I want it to go. About 7:30-8pm I call the nurse for my evening
meds and to get on the fetal monitors again. They flush my IV again. As soon as
I get off the fetal monitors, I wash my face in the bed and Roger brings me a
towel to dry off. We usually have a last snack together. He helps set me up for
the night if I need his help. About 9pm I take off the leg compressors. Rog
leaves about 9:30-10pm sometimes later because he doesn't want to leave. I brush
my teeth in bed. Call the nurse for Ambien so I can sleep. Turn everything off.
Read a little bit and go to sleep. I wake up 2-3 times every night to shift as
my hip hurts laying on one side for too long and I turn over to the other side.
Then I start all over again the next day. Same old, same old usually. But
sometimes interesting things happen. Like when they order an ultrasound. And I found
out this morning there is antepartum social hour every Monday and Thursday at
4pm so I will start going to that if I am here. They do a craft or activity so
that will help the time go by also. I think I’m going to watch some You Tube
videos and try to teach myself how to French braid my own hair. I can do it to
other people but can't do it to myself and no one I know knows how to French
braid so I never get my hair French braided. I figure this is a good time to
So that’s the jist of hospital bed rest. Boring. I’m so
glad to be home. ~ Holly
Apr 26, 2012
Wow, Are We Behind Or What?
Posted by
4/26/2012 05:52:00 PM
Yes, we are truly behind on this blog. Not only was our last
blog post on March 9th, well over a month ago, but a lot has
happened since. I promise to try to stay up to date on the blog. Today’s post
will be as short as possible to catch up and I will also post some belated
blogs about everything else soon. Sorry.
As you know from our last post on March 9th, I
have a complete placenta previa and was prescribed pelvic rest. Well, two days
later on Sunday, March 11th I woke up during the night to go to the
rest room and as soon as I stood up I felt something going down my legs. Yes,
it was blood. Thank God we had asked what to do if I bleed and knew what to do.
Roger called 9-1-1 and an ambulance took me to Texas Women’s Center. I was
admitted into Labor & Delivery (L&D) triage. I bled one more time right
when we got there. But it stopped. I stayed in L&D for the night until I
was considered stable then moved to the antepartum floor for observation. My
doctors told me I would have to not bleed for a few days then I could go home.
A few days to them ended up being six. I had a couple ultrasounds there and
also saw the maternal fetal medicine doctor I was referred to. I was discharged
on March 16th.
I was sent home on modified bed rest and told this was
strike one. The first night home was nerve wracking but I didn’t have any
bleeding. The second night home I spotted and called the on call number and my
OB told me to lay on my side, drink lots of water, try to relax and keep an eye
on it. I spotted the third and fourth night home. During the morning of the
fourth night, I woke up to heavy bleeding again. We called the on call OB and
she told us to come in. I was admitted again on the morning of March 20th.
Same drill as before: L&D triage, L&D overnight, moved to antepartum,
six days of no bleeding, a couple ultrasounds and discharged on March 26th.
This time I was sent home on strict bed rest and told this
was strike two. If I bleed again heavily it will be strike three and I will
have to stay at the hospital on bed rest until Baby Mo is born. Either, then by
emergency c-section if the bleeding doesn’t stop or if we make it to full term
and have a scheduled c-section on Week 37. I have been on bed rest just over six weeks
and home for just over four weeks with no bleeding. Praise God we have made it
this far. I will start week 32 of my pregnancy tomorrow which means we have
four weeks of bed rest left. So we need all the prayers we can get for me to
stay stable on bed rest and for Baby Mo to keep growing well which she has
been. Thank you for all your prayers and support. And I will post about bed
rest, follow-up appointments, ultrasounds and everything else soon. ~Holly
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